Drawings & Others

I generally produce two types of drawings. Working drawings, which are a means to an end, such as producing a composition for a painting, and finished drawings, which are an end in themselves; literally a finished work.

I have said I am self-taught. Just after I started painting seriously I quickly realised that at some point in the future I thought I could turn professional, then my drawing skills would need to improve. So for eighteen months I stopped painting ; and just drew anything and everything. Landscapes, portraits, still life, from life, from photographs, from newspapers, finding my way around the qualities of pencil drawing, and it’s techniques, how to create graduated tones through shading, understanding just what could be achieved using the various hardnesses of graphite. A steep learning curve, but a  necessary one. I still love the directness that drawing gives me, something I never tire of.

The ‘others’ section is a place for all those paintings that seem to full outside the aviation, landscapes, abstracts criteria. So expect the unexpected.

All Art Aviation Landscapes Drawings Abstract Others